Generators are the dominant type on the planet with nearly 70% of the population. They are the driving life force of the planet. Their Strategy is to respond, and through response to find satisfaction and avoid frustration. They have an open and enveloping aura and are here to know themselves.
“Everything about being a Generator is about how you use your energy. You are THE energy beings, you are THE life force on the planet.
Now, think about what happens when that energy is simply not used correctly. The disarray, the chaos, the incredible frustration that fills this plane…
And it all goes back to one thing and one thing only. Generators are here to find satisfaction, and you only find satisfaction through the correct use of your energy.
As a pure energy being everything that you do must be correct. And for the Generator it is, well, simple because it’s always a matter of response.
It’s always a matter of responding to what comes towards you. It’s in that response that you’re going to use that energy in a way in which you find the satisfaction you need.
The more satisfaction we have on this plane, the less frustration we have, and it is in your hands as Generators.
It’s all about decision-making, this is the basis of Human Design.
And for you to see how extraordinary your gift is, to be the Generator who has the perfect skills to be able to respond or not in the moment to what’s there.
Trust that, wait for that, and then you can use your energy in a way that is deeply satisfying, and there is nothing like that.”
Ra Uru Hu
Definition Characteristic: Sacral centre is defined
Type: Energy type
Strategy: Wait to respond
Aura: Enveloping
Signature: Satisfaction
Not-Self: Frustration
Dysfunction: Enslaved
Purpose: Encompass and Organise
Here to: Work and Build
Needs: External stimulus
Existential: Who am I?
Victory: Love what you do
Projectors are around 20% of the population. Their Strategy is to wait for the Invitation, to find success and avoid bitterness. They have a focused and absorbing aura and are here to understand the other. Projectors have been here for not even 250 years.
“The dilemma for the Projector is that because the Projector is new on this plane as a form type, they have a lot to learn. Having a lot to learn is a big story. It’s a very big story.
This is the whole pressure now that is on Projectors that if they’re not prepared, if they don’t have the knowledge that is necessary for them, that they get steamrolled. They get rolled over by the energy forces that they’ve emerged out of. It’s sort of a nice bookend with the Reflector up there and the Projector down there, it really is. It’s this full movement, and in this full movement getting ready to complete this process.
So the better that Projectors are equipped to be able to articulate what they see in the other, what they see in a system, the system, any system is enormously important for the completion of this process.
Manifestors aren’t interested, Generators are looking in on themselves, and if they’re not-self, they don’t see anything. So, there’s a tremendous amount of pressure on the Projector as a force to guide beings.
When I say that, I don’t mean that personally. It’s an energy that’s in the world. It is a conditioning force in the world. So, the presence of Projector has already changed the way in which we look at things. That is, if you take a look at the way in which intellectually we’ve developed since 1781 that we’ve gone in two directions deeper and deeper and deeper inward and deeper outward. This is the result of the Projector.
The emergence of the Projector is also the emergence of the scientific revolution. It is the emergence of the modern world, not personal, if you want to pat yourself on the back you can.”
Ra Uru Hu
Definition Characteristic: Undefined Sacral centre and no motors connected to Throat
Type: Non-energy type
Strategy: Wait for Invitation
Aura: Absorbing
Signature: Success
Not-Self: Bitterness
Dysfunction: Managed
Purpose: Penetrate and Synthesise
Here to: Guide
Needs: Recognition
Existential: Who is the other?
Victory: Give correct outer authority
Manifestors are about 9% of the population. Their Strategy is to inform before they act, to find peace and avoid anger. They have a closed and repelling aura and are here to understand their impact on others.
“A Manifestor has the ability to move its energy into action. It is an energy type. The illusion that people have about Manifestors is that they can do whatever they want. Well, they can’t, it’s just an illusion. Manifestors tend to operate on their own, and in operating on their own they tend to look like they’re taking their own action. In fact, they’re like everybody else. We are all reactive; we are all reacting to the impulse. None of us are in control of the process, however, it certainly looks like Manifestors are able to take the initiative.”
Ra Uru Hu
Definition Characteristic: Non-sacral motor connected to the Throat
Type: Energy type
Strategy: Inform before acting
Aura: Repelling
Signature: Peace
Not-Self: Anger
Dysfunction: Controlled
Purpose: Impact and Initiate
Here to: Lead
Needs: Correct timing
Existential: Who do I impact?
Victory: Have freedom to create
Reflectors are without Definition and are just over 1% of the population. Their Strategy is to wait a full cycle of the moon before making decisions, to find surprise and avoid disappointment. They have a resistant and sampling aura and are here to see difference.
“When it comes to Reflectors, they’re something quite different after all. They really are. Not just that they are a large minority, but they are different with a very different cycle, a lunar cycle. But the most important thing for a Reflector is to understand its relationship to the program. And you can see thematically in non-energy Types that living their Design actually means studying in many ways, being educated in their Design. Whereas living the Design for the energy Types is something that is there to be leapt into instantaneously and immediately, because it’s possible.”
Ra Uru Hu
Definition Characteristic: No defined centres
Type: Non-energy type
Strategy: Wait moon cycle
Aura: Sampling
Signature: Surprise
Not-Self: Dissapointment
Dysfunction: Ignored
Purpose: Uplift and Transform
Here to: Gauge
Needs: Time to evaluate
Existential: Who is different?
Victory: Communicate with others